Buckingham, affectionately known as "Buck" "Buckin" or "Buckinskin", is our family's Welsh cob pony. Pony but he's almost a horse! He's 14.1 hands and BIG. He wears a size 75 blanket!
We got Buck at the end of July as a companion to our mare, Johara, and for Cadence, my daughter. Buck was green broke, and in order for him to be a good kid's horse, he needed more exposure. So I started riding him - 5 to 6 days a week, and taking him to shows, trail rides, hunter paces, et cetera.
It just so happens that I fell in love with Buck. So now he is not only Cady's pony, but he's mine too! Buck is too nice to just be a "kids pony". He is actually a cute little mover and very willing. He loves to jump.
We got Buck at the end of July as a companion to our mare, Johara, and for Cadence, my daughter. Buck was green broke, and in order for him to be a good kid's horse, he needed more exposure. So I started riding him - 5 to 6 days a week, and taking him to shows, trail rides, hunter paces, et cetera.
It just so happens that I fell in love with Buck. So now he is not only Cady's pony, but he's mine too! Buck is too nice to just be a "kids pony". He is actually a cute little mover and very willing. He loves to jump.
Buck was bought after my beloved "Dancer" died on June 28th. Johara was distraught, and Cadence was very sad as well. Buck found us quickly (as I had started the search for a companion after Johara couldn't handle being alone). It was meant to be!
RIP Dancer
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